No, the RBI hasn't announced a Rs 2,000 note with a 'nano GPS chip' that it can track
View photos Prime Minister Narendra Modi may have surprised India after he announced on Tuesday that Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes would no longer be legal tender, but one part of the new system didn't come completely out of the blue. For a few days now, pictures of new Rs 2,000 notes have been floating around the internet and Modi announced that these will be issued for limited circulation soon. But those pictures also came with some rather fantastical rumours about these notes. Trending No, the RBI hasn't announced a Rs 2,000 note with a 'nano GPS chip' that it can track Why Narendra Modi is taking away your Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes Note demonetisation: 86% of Indian currency and 12% of GDP has been frozen overnight According to these rumours, which were circulating on WhatsApp even before the demonetisation announcement, the new notes would come with what is variously described as a "micro nano GPS chip", ...